Ibu is a stratovolcano with a single historic eruption in 1911. The eruption was explosive (VEI=2) and lasted only three days.
Right: The nested sumit craters of Mt. Ibu. A brand new lava dome can be seen within the central crater, emitting a plume of volcanic gases. This eruption began in late 1998 with a series of mild explosions and lava consuming the vegetation within the crater. Note the recent death of the vegetation surrounding the crater.
May 2000 by Dan Olberg, Senior Geologist, PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals.
A closer look at the lava dome within the Mt. Ibu crater.
May 2000 - Photograph by Bruce Gemmell, PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals.
Sources of Information:
Carlile, J.C., Davey, G.R., Kadir, I., Langmead, R.P., and Rafferty, W.J., 1998, Discovery and exploration of the Gosowong epithermal gold deposit, Halmahera, Indonesia: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 60, p. 207-227.
Kusumadinata, K., 1977, Data on the Dukono volcano; Berita Direktorat Geologi, v. 9, no. 16, p. 183.
McClelland, L., Simkin, T., Summers, M., Nielsen, E., and Stein, T.C., 1989, Global Volcanism 1975-1985: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 655 p.
Simkin, T., and Siebert, L., 1994, Volcanoes of the World: Geoscience Press, Tucson, Arizona, 349 p.