Volcanic activity is the most powerful force in nature. Some volcanic eruptions are much more powerful than the largest nuclear explosion. Volcanoes have killed thousands of people and caused some of the most frightening events in human history.
This site includes information about volcanoes, their activity, and how they form and erupt.
The Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) reported that a large thermal anomaly over Bezymianny was identified in satellite images overnight during 30-31 January. Intense gas-and-steam emissions were also occurring. The Aviation Color Code was raised to Orange (the second highest level on a four-color scale). Satellite images on 3 February again showed a large thermal anomaly. Dates are reported in UTC; specific events are in local time where noted.
Source: Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT)
Read full story.The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) reported that the eruption within Kilauea?s Kaluapele summit caldera continued during 29 January-4 February from vents along the SW margin of Halema?uma?u Crater. Small areas of incandescence from the cooling lava on the crater floor and at the vents were visible during 29-31 January and infrequent spatter occurred at the vents during 31 January-2 February. A phase of small sporadic fountaining that began the evening of 2 February intensified during the afternoon of 3 February. Fountains at the N vent became sustained by 2250 and within an hour they grew from 15 m to over 80 m high. Multiple lava flows emerged from the N vent at 2152 and had covered about 15-20 percent of the crater floor by 2250. Fountains rose as high as 100 m during the most intense phase. Lava fountaining began at the S vent at 2350. Fountaining from both the N and S vents was visible overnight during 3-4 February. At 0920 on 4 February fountains rose 40-50 m at the N vent and 25-35 m at the S vent. Lava covered the entire crater floor. The Volcano Alert Level remained at Watch (the third level on a four-level scale) and the Aviation Color Code remained at Orange (the third color on a four-color scale).
Source: US Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO)
Read full story.According to the Ministry for Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Greece, press release on 29 January, seismicity increased near Santorini, along the central Kameni fault in the N part of the caldera. Seismicity intensified and shifted NE to an area between the islands of Thira and Amorgos along a NE-SW-trending fault; during 31 January-1 February the largest earthquake was a M 4.3. The submarine Kolumbo volcano is located along that fault line, about 7 km NE of Santorini, though at the time scientists attributed the seismicity to tectonic activity. The Geodynamic Institute of the National Observatory of Athens reported more than 31,000 recorded earthquakes in that area, in a zone extending 15 km long, during 1-4 February, including 630 located events at depths of 2-18 km; events consisted of 155 at M 3.5-3.9, 48 at M 4-4.4, 21 at M 4.5-4.9, and one at M 5. During 4-5 February seismicity extended along an area about 30 km long. The seismicity was similar to a seismic crisis during 2010-2012 that did not lead to a volcanic eruption, though the previous activity was more intense and with larger average earthquake magnitudes. According to news articles schools on islands including Santorini, Thira, Anafi, Ios, Amorgos, Mykonos, Leros, Syros, and Patmos were closed on 2 February through at least 4 February. Gatherings in enclosed spaces within Municipality of Thira were cancelled. By 3 February more than 11,000 people had left Santorini by ferry or plane, and additional flights to the islands were being scheduled to assist moving people to Athens.
Sources: BBC News,CBS News,CNN ,Greek City Times,Ministry for Climate Crisis and Civil Protection,National Observatory of Athens
Read full story.The Observatorio Vulcanolgico y Sismolgico de Costa Rica-Universidad Nacional (OVSICORI-UNA) reported that small eruptions at Pos ejecting water and steam were recorded by seismic and infrasound sensors at 0038 and 0450 on 28 January and at 0643 on 29 January. The lake water was milky-gray in color and intense gas-and-steam emissions rose from the water?s surface due to fumarolic activity on the crater floor and convecting water. Gas monitoring instruments on the W crater rim detected significant amounts of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide. The report noted that during January webcams recorded several bubbles from Boca A (SW part of the lake) on the surface of the lake and upwelling of bubbles from Boca C (central part of lake). Volcanologists directly observed these bubbles at 1055 and 1206 on 29 January; sulfur dioxide emissions averaged 384 tons per day. Gas emissions were lower on 30 January and two vigorous convection cells in the lake over both Boca A and Boca C were visible during 30-31 January. During 2-4 February gas emissions fluctuated between low and high values and bubbles or convection cells were active over both vents.
Source: Observatorio Vulcanologico y Sismologico de Costa Rica-Universidad Nacional (OVSICORI-UNA)
Read full story.The Servicio Geologico Colombiano (SGC) reported that a M 1.7 earthquake indicating rock fracturing occurred at 1700 on 1 February and was located 2 km below the Purac cone. On 2 February there was an increase in tremor and long-period events with signals located less than 2 km beneath the cone. Deformation data did not show any significant movement and gas emissions were unchanged. The Alert Level remained at Yellow (the second lowest level on a four-color scale).
Source: Servicio Geolgico Colombiano (SGC)
Read full story.Unrest at Ahyi Seamount continued through 31 January. Satellite images showed a plume of discolored water in the vicinity of the seamount on 27 and 29 January, indicating possible submarine activity. No signals coming from the direction of Ahyi were identified in data from underwater pressure sensors near Wake Island (about 2,270 km E of Ahyi). The Aviation Color Code remained at Yellow (the second lowest level on a four-color scale) and the Volcano Alert Level remained at Advisory (the second lowest level on a four-level scale).
Source: US Geological Survey
Read full story.The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) reported ongoing eruptive activity at Minamidake Crater (Aira Caldera?s Sakurajima volcano) during 27 January-3 February. Nightly crater incandescence was visible in webcam images. Eruptive events recorded during 17 and 30-31 January produced ash plumes that rose 0.8-1.7 km above the crater rim and drifted E and SE. Ash plumes were continuous during 2043-2050 on 30 January. Explosions at 2013 on 30 January, at 1548 on 31 January, and at 1610 on 3 February generated ash plumes that rose 0.8-1.5 km above the crater rim and drifted SE. The explosion at 1548 on 31 January also ejected large blocks 300-500 m from the crater rim. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a 5-level scale), and the public was warned to stay 1 km away from both craters.
Source: Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)
Read full story.On 30 January the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geohazards Department (VMGD) reported that steam-and-gas emissions from the active vents at Ambae were ongoing during January based on satellite images. A low-level thermal anomaly was identified in satellite data on 17 January indicating an increase in surface temperatures. Seismic data also confirmed ongoing unrest. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale of 0-5), and the public was warned to stay outside of the Danger Zone, defined as a 2-km radius around the active vents in Lake Voui, and away from drainages during heavy rains.
Source: Vanuatu Meteorology and Geohazards Department (VMGD)
Read full story.On 30 January the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geohazards Department (VMGD) reported ongoing fumarolic activity at Ambrym from both Benbow and Marum craters based on webcam images. Seismic data confirmed ongoing unrest. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale of 0-5). VMGD warned the public to stay outside of Permanent Danger Zone A, defined as a 1-km radius around Benbow Crater and a 2-km radius around Marum Crater, and to stay 500 m away from the ground cracks created by the December 2018 eruption.
Source: Vanuatu Meteorology and Geohazards Department (VMGD)
Read full story.The Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi reported that seismicity at Awu had decreased. Swarms of both deep and shallow volcanic earthquakes continued to occur but at decreasing frequency; the last swarm occurred during 1807-1817 on 31 January and consisted of nine shallow volcanic earthquakes. Tiltmeter data from the Kolongan station indicated continuing inflation of the volcano. Emissions continued to rose 10-200 m above the summit and had not significantly changed since July 2024. At 0600 on 2 February the Alert Level was lowered to 2 (on a scale of 1-4) and the public was warned to stay 3 km away from the crater?s center.
Source: Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG, also known as CVGHM)
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