Caldera collapse modeling. A very useful tool in the understanding of a caldera evolution.


A scaled model is a very suitable way to understand a phenomena. By simple observation of a scaled model we will get an idea about size, time, structure, evolution and regional influence of a complex system like a caldera could be. Even though temperature, ductile crust (overlaying the magma chamber) conduit feeding a vent and extruding magma can not be simulated (Acodella, 2007), the modeling shows structural features very accurately, becoming a very useful tool in volcanology, as a way to understand and forecast possible future caldera hazards and also as a guide in economic ores explorations, since hydrothermal solutions may use the colapse caldera-faults to mineralize the host rocks (e.g. the Yerington mine Einaudi and Dilles, 2010; also Lipman, 1984). The objective of this paper is to highlight the structural features in the caldera collapse modeling, its relationship with real calderas and the role of regional tectonic environment. The later as an crucial factor in the final caldera collapse style.