Tengger Caldera and Bromo

Location: 7.9S, 113.0E
Elevation: 7,639 feet (2,329 m)

This photograph shows a small acid lake that was in the crater of Bromo in 1959. The yellow material is sulfur deposited by fumaroles. Photograph courtesy of and copyrighted by Robert Decker.

Older, fluted cone within Tengger Caldera. Photograph courtesy of and copyrighted by Paul J. Buklarewicz.

Recent photo of Bromo (left) by Steve O'Meara, Volcano Watch International Photos copyrighted by Steve O'Meara.

Two young volcano watchers at Gunung Batok, Bromo. Photo by Gatot Prajitno D.

Back to the initial information on the Tengger Caldera and Bromo

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Sources of Information:

Decker, R., and Decker, B., 1989, Volcanoes: W.H. Freeman, New York, 285 p.

McClelland, L., Simkin, T., Summers, M., Nielsen, E., and Stein, T.C., 1989, Global Volcanism 1975-1985: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 655 p.

Simkin, T., and Siebert, L., 1994, Volcanoes of the World: Geoscience Press, Tucson, Arizona, 349 p.

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