1. On a daily basis, most of us use the following metals mined, at least in part, from volcanic ore deposits:
e. all of the above
2. Which of these economic materials are found in kimberlite pipes:
d. diamonds
3. Which of these economic materials are formed by hydrothermal fluids at submarine volcanoes:
c. copper, lead, zinc
4. Which of these economic materials can be produced by deep weathering of basalt:
a. aluminum
5. Which of these economic materials are found in komatiite lava flows:
e. nickel
6. Porphyry deposits are found in:
b. the eroded plumbing systems of volcanoes
7. Diamonds form under the following conditions:
c. pressure 60,000 times greater than the surface and a temperature of about 1500 C
8. As a nest-egg for your retirement would it be best to have a kilogram of:
d. diamonds